- Date: June 18 ? July 17, 2018
- Venue: International Technical Cooperation Center
National Institute of Agricultural Sciences
National Institute of Crop Science
National Institute of Animal Science
National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science
- Participants and Countries
- 15 participants from Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal,
Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe (2)
- Purpose
Strengthening research and extension capacity of KAFACI countries through
training the African researchers
Basic Science
- Data analysis of genetic diversity and population structure (sunflower, finger
millet, sesame leaves)
Crop Science
- Knowledge acquisition in QTL Mapping
- Learning how to utilize the software DSSAT 4.7 to model and understand soil
water balance with daily interval of a plot according to the climate
Horticulture Science
- Understanding the effect of modified atmosphere packaging for maintaining the
quality of tomatoes
- Learning how to use bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides such as Chlorella and egg
yolk oil
- Learning the pest control technology using dragon trap, insect seeker and the
method of identifying the insect
Animal Science
- Knowledge acquisition in balanced rations corresponding to the specific animal
- Knowledge acquisition in how automated hydroponic unit are designed and
- Improved comprehension of the methods for feed nutritional composition analysis
- Knowledge acquisition in TMR
- Understanding Korean extension system and the factors of increasing extension
- Date : August 31 ~ September 12, 2015
- Venue : National Institute of Agricultural Science (Jeonju, Republic of Korea)
- Participants :
-13 participants from Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda, Zimbabwe
Co-organizer : KAFACI, National Agrobiodiversity Center, National Institute of Agricultural Science (NAS)
Development of Technology for the Conservation of Genetic Resources and the Establishment of Network among KAFACI Member Countries
Enhancement of capacity building of KAFACI member countries on conservation and management of plant genetic resources