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Home > About KAFACI > History

The Korea-Africa Food & Agriculture Cooperation Initiative is an intergovernmental and multilateral cooperation body aiming to improve food production, achieve sustainable agriculture and enhance extension services of African countries through knowledge and information sharing on agricultural technologies.

In July 2010, KAFACI was officially inaugurated in Seoul, Korea with the participation of government representatives from 17 member countries: Angola, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda, Zimbabwe and the Republic of Korea. Thereafter Comoros, Rwanda, and Zambia joined the initiative in the years 2013, 2015, and 2016 respectively, and the accession of the Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, and Madagascar in 2021, has brought the current membership to 23 countries.

Since its 1st General Assembly meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in March 2011, KAFACI has carried out various cooperation projects with African partners. Along with On-the-Job Training and workshops, KAFACI has operated projects on priority agricultural issues in Africa.

In the same vein, Rural Development Administration (RDA) has cooperated with 12 member-countries in Latin America through KoLFACI(Korea-Latin America Food & Agriculture Cooperation Initiative) and 14 member-countries in Asia through AFACI(The Asian Food & Agriculture Cooperation Initiative).

Visit our RDA youtube channel for more videos and watch the video in high quality. (https://youtu.be/lIPoIYhy1R0)

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  • Strengthening partnership and leadership to improve food security in member countries

    Multilateral cooperation in agricultural R&D and extension through knowledge and experience sharing among member countries for the purpose of
    - Promoting food production technology
    - contributing to the establishment of national policy and
    - Building the capacity of promising African researchers in agriculture


  • Driving the eradication of hunger and poverty in Africa through sustainable agriculture and its industrialization

Major Activities & Strategies

  • Technology development for the production of food and agricultural products

    1) Develop technologies in crop, horticulture, and livestock sectors for productivity improvement
    2) Develop nutrition and dietary improvement programs

  • Technology development for sustainable agricultural environment, and resource conservation and utilization

    1) Develop technologies for sustainable and environment-friendly farming and water resource management
    2) Develop new food and energy resources to cope with climate change

  • Capacity building and technology transfer for the development of agriculture and food industries

    1) Develop human resources by providing education and training programs in the areas of agriculture and food.
    2) Facilitate building mutually beneficial relationships among the KAFACI member countries
    3) Organize seminars, workshops and conferences at the national and international levels to address common issues and concerns


  • Who can Join?

    The KAFACI is opened to any government agency in Africa with objectives and activities focused on promoting agricultural R&D and fulfilling the Initiative’s goals as a member.

  • How to join?

    There are thorough procedures to evaluate a country with interests in becoming a member.
    This procedure is as follows;
    - Submit a formal application form to the KAFACI Secretariat via diplomatic channel
    - Obtain an approval from the General Assembly/ Executive council
    - Sign an agreement with the KAFACI

  • What is Offered

    Sharing knowledge and technologies in agricultural sector with members through joint research projects
    Building networks among African countries through workshop and training

  • Responsibilities as a Member Country

    A member country is request to provide ‘In-kind Contribution’ including office, laboratory, facilities, equipment, electronics and human resources for the KAFACI programs carried out in the country


Chair Group

Mr. Kwon Jaehan
Name Mr. Kwon Jaehan
Position Administrator of RDA, Co-Chair person of KAFACI
Organization Rural Development Administration (RDA), Republic of Korea
Dr. Eliud K. Kireger
Name Dr. Eliud K. Kireger
Position Director General of KALRO, Co-Chair person of KAFACI
Organization Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Kenya

KAFACI Secretariat

Dr. e Kyung-Tai
Name Dr. Lee Kyung-Tai
Telephone +82-63-238-1110
E-mail kafaci@korea.kr
Position KAFACI Secretary General, Director of International Technology Cooperation Center (ITCC), RDA
Lee Byungmo
Name Dr. Lee Keunpyo
Telephone +82-63-238-1125
E-mail kafaci@korea.kr
Position Executive Secretary
Kang Ah Rang
Name Dr. Kang Ah Rang
Telephone +82-63-238-1126
E-mail kafaci@korea.kr
Position Deputy Executive Secretary
Kim Ji-eun (Lina)
Name Kim Ji-eun (Lina)
Telephone +82-63-238-1417
E-mail kafaci@korea.kr
Position Coordinator of International Cooperation
Kim Seo-ha
Name Kim Seo-ha
Telephone +82-63-238-1416
E-mail kafaci@korea.kr
Position Coordinator of International Cooperation
Oh Mi-so
Name Oh Mi-so
Telephone +82-63-238-1419
E-mail kafaci@korea.kr
Position Coordinator of International Cooperation
Allaoui Charif
Name Allaoui Charif
Telephone +82-63-238-1482
E-mail kafaci@korea.kr
Position Coordinator of International Cooperation
  • Inauguration Ceremony Inauguration Ceremony
  • 1st KAFACI On-the-Job Training 1st KAFACI On-the-Job Training
Inauguration Ceremony (Seoul, Korea)
1st KAFACI General Assembly (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
1st KAFACI On-the-Job Training (Suwon, Korea)
Workshop on Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer in Cattle (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
2ND KAFACI On-The-Job Training (Suwon, Korea)
Workshop on Rural Development for High-Level Officials of KAFACI Member Countries
(Suwon, Korea)
KAFACI-AGRA Workshop on Sharing Experience and Knowledge for a Green Revolution
(Nairobi, Kenya)
1st KAFACI Executive Council Meeting (Suwon, Korea)
Workshop on Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer in Cattle (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
Workshop on National Agricultural Technology Dissemination Program (Entebbe, Uganda)
2nd KAFACI General Assembly (Entebbe, Uganda)
DAGRIS Project Planning Meeting (Nairobi, Kenya)
KAFACI-AGRA On-the-job-Training On Enhancement of High-Yielding Rice Germplasm in African Countries through Anther Culture Breeding (Suwon, Korea)
Enhancement of National Agricultural Extension Services (Suwon, Korea)
KAFACI Planning Meeting on Food Crop Program (Harare, Zimbabwe)
KAFACI Planning Meeting on Livestock Program (Dakar, Senegal)
KAFACI Planning Meeting on Agricultural Extension Program (Dakar, Senegal)
KAFACI Planning Meeting on Horticultural Program (Rabat, Morocco)/dd>
KAFACI Planning Meeting on Basic Agricultural Science Program (Rabat, Morocco)
2nd KAFACI Executive Council Meeting (Suwon, Korea)
1st KAFACI Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) Meeting (Harare, Zimbabwe)
2015 KAFACI Executive Council Meeting (Harare, Zimbabwe)
3rd KAFACI General Assembly (Harare, Zimbabwe)
Workshop on Enhancement of National Agricultural Extension Services (Kumasi, Ghana)
Workshop on Development and Application of Postharvest Management Technology Model for Horticultural Crops (Abuja, Nigeria)
On-the-Job Training on the Development of Technology on Conservation of Genetic Resources (Jeonju, Korea)
On-the-Job Training on Agricultural Extension (Jeonju, Korea)
Workshop on Promotion of Good Management for Increased Productivity of Market-oriented Small Scale Chicken Producers (Dakar, Senegal)
Workshop on End of Country Based Increased Domestic Animal Genetic Resources Information System (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
On-the-Job Training on Enhancement of High-yielding Rice Germplasm in African Countries through Anther Culture Breeding (Saint-Louis, Senegal)
Evaluation Workshop on Enhancement of National Agricultural Extension services (ENAES) & Publication of Agricultural Practices and calendars of Major Food (PAPCa) (Blantyre, Malawi)
The 2nd KAFACI Science and Technology Advisory Committee Meeting(Jeonju, Korea)
Training Workshop on Capacity Building of Extension Workers (High-level) (Jeonju, Korea)
Training Workshop on Development of Technology on Conservation of Genetic Resources (Harare, Zimbabwe)
Evaluation Workshop on Development and Application of Postharvest Management Technology Model for Horticultural Crops (Thika, Kenya)
Workshop on Promotion of Good Management for Increased Productivity of Market-oriented Small Scale Chicken Producers (Jeonju, Korea)
2016 KAFACI Executive Council Meeting (Jeonju, Korea)
Training Workshop on Capacity Building of Extension Workers (technical-level) (Jeonju, Korea)
Training Workshop on use of Anther Culture to accelerate Rice Varietal Development in Africa (St. Louis, Senegal)
Workshop on Capacity Building on Molecular Breeding for the Development of South-South Cooperation Model (Rabat, Morocco)
Planning Meeting on Agricultural Mechanization in Africa (Rabat, Morocco)
Workshop on Capacity Building on Molecular Breeding for the Development of South-South Cooperation Model (Rabat/Errachidia, Morocco)
Planning Meeting on Enhancement of National Agricultural Extension Services (ENAES) Pahse II (Jeonju, Korea)
The 3rd KAFACI International Training on Improvement of Germplasm Management System (Jeonju & Suwon, Korea)
Workshop on Postharvest Management Project (Hammamet, Tunisia)
2017 Executive Council Meeting (Dakar, Senegal)
4the General Assembly (Dakar, Senegal)
Planning Meeting on Development and Application of Postharvest Handling Model Phase II for Horticultural Crops (Arusha, Tanzania)
Training of Trainers Workshop on Agricultural Extension Methodologies, Approaches and Tools in the Context of Agricultural Innovation System (Durban, South Africa)
Workshop on Development and Application of Management Technique for Non-ruminant Livestock (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
2017 Training Workshop on Double-Haploid Rice Breeding (St. Louis, Senegal)
KAFACI Workshop on Baseline Survey for Agricultural Mechanization(Jeonju, Korea)
KAFACI Workshop on the Enhancement of National Agricultural Extension Services Phase II (Kumasi, Ghana)
KAFACI Workshop on Improvement of Technology on Conservation of Genetic Resources (Accra, Ghana)
Young Scientist Pilot Research Project Training (Jeonju, Korea)
2018 KAFACI Executive Council Meeting (Jeonju, Korea)
Workshop on Development and Application of Postharvest Handling Model for Horticultural Crops (Kampala, Uganda)
Workshop on Development and Application of Management Technique for Non-Ruminant Livestock (Harare, Zimbabwe)
KAFACI-AFAAS Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Retooling Agricultural Extension Workers Towards Capacity for Evaluation of Rural Extension and Advisory Services (Jeonju, Korea)
Training Workshop to Develop High-yield Rice Variety Using Double-Haploid Rice Breeding Technique (St.Louis, Senegal)
Capacity building of rice breeders of KAFACI member countries in Africa (Saint Louis, Senegal)
KAFACI Workshop on Postharvest Handling Model Phase II (Ghana)
Capacity building of rice breeders of KAFACI member countries in Africa (Saint Louis, Senegal)
KAFACI Workshop on Baseline Survey for Agricultural Mechanization in Africa (Kenya)
Planning Meeting on ‘Development of Seed Multiplication and Dissemination System in Africa’ (Rabat, Morocco)
KAFACI Workshop on Development and Application of Management Technique for non-ruminant livestock (Tunisia)
Planning Meeting on ‘Integrated Management of Fall Armyworm (spodoptera frugiperda) for sustainable food security in Africa (Rabat, Morocco)
Planning Meeting on ‘Enhancement of Tomato and Onion Production in Africa for Maximum Sustainable Yield’ (Rabat, Morocco)
Young Scientist Pilot Research Project (RDA, Jeonju, Korea)
Evaluation Meeting and Training Workshop on Africa Rice Development Partnership (Saint Louis, Senegal)
January 6
Production of Promotional Video for KAFACI (St. louis, Senegal)
February 17
The 7th Executive Council Meeting (Hammamet, Tunisia)
October 13
Evaluation Meeting of Postharvest Management Project (Virtual)
October 13
Evaluation Meeting of Enhancement of Tomato and Onion Production Project (Virtual)
October 13
Integrated Management of Fall Armyworm for sustainable food security (Virtual)
December 20
2020 Young Scientist Program
April 6
The 5th KAFACI General Assembly (Virtual)
June 17
Ceremony of completion for the 2020 KAFACI Young Scientists Research Project (RDA, KOREA)
June 24
the final evaluation meeting of the KAFACI Post-Harvest project
September 30
The 2nd year progress monitoring meeting of the ‘Integrated Management of Fall Armyworm’ project (Virtual)
October 29
The 2nd year progress monitoring meeting of ‘Development of Seed Multiplication and Dissemination System’ project (Virtual)
October 28
The 2nd year progress monitoring meeting of ‘Enhancement of tomato and onion production’ project (Virtual)
November 8
KAFACI and AfricaRice meeting (Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire)
November 15 to 21
The KAFACI final evaluation meeting and workshop for the first phase of the rice project entitled ‘Development of High-yielding Grain Quality Rice Variety’ (St-Louis, Senegal)

※ Due to the COVID Pandemic, plans like General Assembly are postponed or replaced with virtual project evaluation through submission of reports in case of project evaluation meetings.

June 20
KAFACI Rice symposium (Nairobi, Kenya)
June 22-23
The 3rd year progress monitoring meeting of ‘Development of Seed Multiplication and Dissemination System’ project (Nairobi, Kenya)
September 19-22
The 3rd year progress monitoring meeting of ‘Enhancement of tomato and onion production’ project (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
September 26-28
The 3rd year progress monitoring meeting of ‘Integrated Management of Fall Armyworm’ project (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
November 28
Ceremony of completion for the 2022 KAFACI Young Scientists Research Project (RDA, Korea)
November 29-December 3
Annual meeting of the rice project entitled ‘Development of High-yielding Grain Quality Rice Variety (St-Louis, Senegal)
February 21-23
Launch Meeting of ‘Pilot Study of Optimizing Productivity of Crop-Livestock System in Africa: Proper Use of Nitrogen Fixing Legumes and Livestock Manure’ project
October 18-20
The 4th year progress monitoring meeting of ‘Enhancement of tomato and onion production’ project (Nairobi, Kenya)
October 23-25
The 4th year progress monitoring meeting of ‘Integrated Management of Fall Armyworm’ project (Nairobi, Kenya)
November 13
Ceremony of completion for the 2023 KAFACI Young Scientists Research Project (RDA, KOREA)
November 24-December 1
Annual meeting of the rice project entitled ‘Development of High-yielding Grain Quality Rice Variety (St-Louis, Senegal)
December 12-14
KAFACI Post COVID-19 Strategic Planning Meeting (RDA, Korea)
